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The True Value of International Audiences: US Soccer Fans

Revealing, segmenting and understanding US Soccer Fans & highlighting the best strategies to engage them

The Soaring Growth of Gaming

The audiences enthralled by gaming and ready to be engaged now

The Untapped Value of Women's Sports Fans

How Rights Holders and Brands can use new data to deepen their understanding of women’s sport fans.

Charting the rise of the Woman's World Cup

Discover the huge buying power of Women’s Sports Fans today

The Immediate Opportunity in Women’s Sport - Read Fifty's groundbreaking report

Why brands, rights holders and sponsors need to get involved in Women's Sport now.

Veganuary: Turning a one-month event into a long-term growth strategy

To discover the key tribes that could drive growth all year long, plant-based brands should get to know these Veganuary audiences.

Unpacking the Online Grocery Market.

Check out our latest white paper in partnership with our friends at Guerillascope. The global online grocery market is moving FAST. With market value expected to reach over $2 billion by 2030, the industry's exponential growth reflects a paradigm shift in consumer behaviour driven by cost, convenience and value. Read our findings here.

A Changing World: The Evolution of Giving

Using advanced audience analysis to understand emerging behaviours and motivations
 behind charitable giving.

The Power of Prospecting in a Privacy-First Era

As tech giants Apple and Google tussle over privacy, digital advertisers need to focus on better prospecting.